This text is an invitation to develop an integral incarnational ministry
that gestates deep and transformative changes in all dimensions of life through genuine and reconciled relationships from our vulnerability and dependence on the God of Mission.
– Zazá Lima – Executive Director, PM International; Interserve missionary.

Our Blog
Christian and Charo interview.
Christian and Charo tell us about their life, their journey as missionaries and their new…
Interview with David Greenlee.
We have the opportunity to talk with David Greenlee, who was the translator of Salaam….
Are There Nonproselytizing Methods for Planting New Churches in Muslim Lands?
This article offers an alternative to Christian witness and development in Muslim-majority nations. It re-…

15 oct 2022
XII Conferencia Orlando Costas. “Misión Integral: de la teoría a la práxis”.
17-20 oct 2022
Berlín, on site
Christian Community Development Conference, Baptist Church Schöneberg
24 oct-11 dic 2022
Brasil, Online
Curso “Misión Cristiana Global”
28-29 oct 2022
Churriana de la Vega, Granada
Conferencia misionera de la FIACME