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Salaam: Development as Mission

In a world where violence, polarization, and wars abound, to speak of a theology of “development-salam” is an invitation to be ambassadors of peace and reconciliation…

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This text is an invitation to develop an integral incarnational ministry

that gestates deep and transformative changes in all dimensions of life through genuine and reconciled relationships from our vulnerability and dependence on the God of Mission.

Zazá Lima – Executive Director, PM International; Interserve missionary.


Christian & Charo

Charo Pérez and Christian Giordano met the Lord in their childhood and at a very young age became involved in church work. They married in 1977 and entered IBSTE (Barcelona) together to study theology. For 19 years they dedicated themselves to establishing new churches in Spain, together with OMS International (now One Mission Society). They have been known for both their hospitality and their extensive interdenominational work. Interculturality is an intrinsic part of their lives.

In 1994 they joined the missionary agency PM International in Granada to complement all the logistics and Project Management. They helped to make possible the effective permanence of more than 120 missionaries in Muslim countries and to establish numerous churches in North Africa, the Sahel and Central and South Asia. Christian attended the 2010 Edinburgh Centenary Celebration, as well as the Lausanne III Congress in Cape Town. He has been a member of the World Evangelical Alliance Missions Commission since 2011 and several other missionary forums.
Since 2013 they have concentrated on theological and missiological teaching. They have published four books and numerous articles. Charo is a social educator, administrator (MBA) and a good Bible teacher. Christian is a professor (PhD). They are Spanish and have three adult children and five grandchildren.


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I’ll be sharing about this book and other topics related, in the following events. I’ll be happy to meet you and sign your copy of the book.

15 oct 2022

XII Conferencia Orlando Costas. “Misión Integral: de la teoría a la práxis”.

17-20 oct 2022

Berlín, on site
Christian Community Development Conference,  Baptist Church Schöneberg

24 oct-11 dic 2022

Brasil, Online
Curso “Misión Cristiana Global”

28-29 oct 2022

Churriana de la Vega, Granada
Conferencia misionera de la FIACME